Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is the first university founded by Indonesian government during the start of the independence period. The university has now reached its 68 years of age. During this journey, UGM has existed to generate future, qualified leaders.
But for Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., the age of 68 was not yet a mature age for a higher learning institution.
“The age of a higher learning institution gets better when they age. We see world universities that have come to their hundreds of years,” said the Rector to journalists to socialise the series of events to celebrate the 68th anniversary on Thursday(14/12) in the office of UGM Board of Trustees.
The Rector affirmed UGM would continue to educate students from all parts of the country in order to improve the state competitiveness. He said the progress of a nation depends on education. “We have to win the global competition by qualified human resources. We should not get behind the competence of foreign human resource that comes here,” he said.
This year, theme of UGM anniversary is With UGM We Defend the State and Nation. Events to run for the anniversary include shadow puppet play in Balairung on Friday (15/12), bike ride from Pangandaran –Yogyakarta (15-17 December), workshop of customary leaders and cultural experts in Senate Hall on Saturday (16/12), Nitilaku procession from Kraton to Balairung on Sunday (17/12), Seminar in Senate Hall, Tuesday (19/12), and traditional plays in PKKH, Friday (22/12).
Coordinator of Nitilaku event, Drs. Hendrie Adji Kusworo,M.sc., Ph.D., said the event themed old-time struggle for independence would engage some 6.000 people who would walk from Kraton palace to the campus of UGM, wearing old fashioned costumes and traditional costumes. “There will be around 3,000 talents who are divided into 70 performer groups that will perform in eight stages,” said Hendrie.
The committee, said Hendrie, prepared up to 20 stages along the roads from Kraton, Malioboro, and Mangkubumi street where passers-by would be able to see traditional and modern performances. Old songs will also be aired along the route. “Along Malioboro areas, old songs will be aired. The event will culminate in the Balairung courtyard,” he said.