Economics and Business UGM students have earned an achievement. This time the Nusantara team consisting of Nadila Nurfairuz Amalina, Dinda Rosiana Hadi, and Fitri Suci Wulansari, has become the first winner in the scientific writing competition (AUDEA) AUDINATION 2017.
The Accounting students class of 2015 have beaten 70 scientific papers written by students from Indonesia. The organisers of the competition, the Indonesian Financial Auditing Agency (BPK), later selected them into 50 best writings.
“Of the 50 writings, Best 10 are invited to the BPK in Jakarta for presentation,” said Nadila Nurfairuz Amalina, at UGM campus on Monday (18/12).
Nadila said in the presentation, three best papers were declared to be the winners of the event. Nadila further said the AUDINATION 2017 had several competition types, such as AUDISHARE (Seminar), AUDESIGN (curriculum), AUDIKNOW (quizz), AUDITISME (Debate), AUDEA (scientific writing), AUDIRACE (Auditing Practicum), and AUDICREATE (Innovation/Publication).
“The competition runs from 27-30 November 2017, and BPK AUDINATION 2017 aims to find reliable auditor candidates from all universities,” she said.