Many physical and non-physical threats faced by Indonesia demand the young generation to have the spirit to defend the nation. However, the concept of defending the nation is not limited to military involvement only because it can be done by everyone through their own profession.
“The concept of defending the nation has a broad dimension of understanding, including how to be the best in our profession and serve the nation according to our profession,” said Paristiyanti Nurwadani, the Director of Learning, Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education on Wednesday (20/12).
The statement was delivered during the National Seminar on Defending the Nation which was held to celebrate the 68th anniversary of UGM at Senate Hall UGM on Tuesday (19/20). On the occasion, Paristiyanti presented the educational strategy for defending the nation.
Paristiyanti said currently, Indonesia was facing various issues regarding lack of nationalism, radicalism, intolerance, illegal drugs, unemployment, and the uncertainty in facing the ASEAN Economic Community.
Those issues, according to Paristiyanti, become the challenges that have to be answered by the young generation. However, the existing data show the graduates of Indonesian universities have low competencies in various aspects.
“Criticism towards graduates of universities in Indonesia include the lack of English skill, leadership character, organizational skill, communication, as well as information technology,” she added.
Looking at those phenomena, Paristiyanti emphasized the main task of higher education in Indonesia was preparing qualified human resources because defending the nation cannot be realized without qualified human resources who can compete with foreign human resources.
Paristiyani said the universities had to implement the fundamental values of nationalism and defend the nation both in their curriculum and extra-curricular activities. This can be realized by instilling nationalism knowledge in the class, implementing moral and ethics, holding a seminar, training, and dialogue, as well as student association’s activities.
The comprehension on defending the nation through various professions was also presented by Professor from Faculty of Law UGM who is also the Head of National Law Education Agency, Prof. Dr. Enny Nurbaningsih, S.H., M.Hum. Enny said the efforts to defend the nation can be realized in every activity, both physical and non-physical one according to our capacity and competence.
Enny further said the related regulation support becomes essential in defending the nation and all governmental institutions have to synergize in facing various national threats. Through this integration, the law is expected to lead towards the national prosperity which not only brings Indonesia one step ahead but also restores the public trust as well as provide justice and legal certainty for all people.