Astrid Veranita Indah, lecturer from Faculty of Islamic Theology of UIN Alauddin Makassar, has earned a doctoral degree from Faculty of Philosophy UGM on Wednesday (17/1) after defending her dissertation titled Systemic Violence of Slavoj Zizek Epistemological Perspective of Archie Bahm: Relevance for Indonesian Society.
To the panel of examiners led by Dean of Faculty of Philosophy, Dr. Arqom Kuswanjono, she said systemic violence is part of social reality that happens today as part of the emergence of technocapitalism. In her views, systemic violence is visible in the humanitarian based adverts that are developed by minimarket retailers or certain companies.
The systemic violence reflected by Zizek, said Astrid, was a form of violence that emphasised on economic system. The economic system developed by technocapitalism ideology is an economic system that is exploitative and manipulative as well as becoming the reason for the humanitarian crisis currently happening. “According to Zizek, technocapitalism system has created a universal system that has washed particularities of local cultures,” said Astrid.
The characteristics of technocapitalism society is marked by the victimisation or abundance that is presented by the media on victims of war and terrorism which have been driven by certain political interest,” she said.
Virtues are commodified to the goal of meeting profits rather than humanities. “Humanitarian donation is no longer about humanitarian acts but aims to get profit and sustains capitalism,” she said.
According to Astrid, capitalists know that humanitarian aid cannot change the economic condition of the grassroots level, but humanitarian adverts continue to be developed in the technocapitalism society of today.
Astrid opined that government mental revolution mission is required to block the flow of capitalism ideology, based on Pancasila values. She suggested the government to persuasively raise awareness among people and regulated current economic circulation. “Enhancement of mental revolution mission by instilling the values of Pancasila and local wisdom needs to be developed to prevent misuse of capitalism ideology at present times,” she concluded.