Risk management of business is important to protect the organisation from the risks that prevent goal achievement and issues that are potential to cause losses for a company.
This was said by Head of Risk Management, Service of Pertamina Hulu Mahakam, Henry Weddiasmara S.Hut, on Tuesday (23/1) in Grha Sabha Pramana UGM when sharing his experience to thousands of graduate students of UGM that will soon be inaugurated.
Henry said security risk management needs to be given attention because an organisation will face uncertainties in achieving its vision, mission, and goal.
“As a matter of fact, not every organisation is free from risk uncertainties so it’s important to implement risk management here,” he said.
In dealing with risks, said Henry, organisations have different levels of resilience. Some are resilient while others are not.
“An organisation’s power to survive towards risk is different. Some are strong enough, others would collapse when meeting a risk. So, the emergence of risk culture is the most fundamental aspect here,” he said.
Meanwhile, Director of Medium scale Business of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia, Putrama Wahju Setyawan, S. Hut., told his account of leadership. In his opinion, a leader has to be a problem solver, too.
“Leader has to become a problem solver who can provide alternatives to a problem solution based on accurate data and information,” he said.
In decision making, a leader has also to make the right decision based on experience and facts.
“A leader has to have the courage in making a decision based on knowledge, otherwise it would just be reckless,” he said.
No less important for a leader is that he has to have clear and firm communication style to prevent ambiguity in a team as well as to have good stress management.