Agustina Nurul Hidayati, Spatial and City Planning lecturer from Institut Teknologi Nasional Malang, has earned a doctorate from Faculty of Engineering UGM.
She defended her dissertation titled Transcendental Awareness Learning of Spatial Formation of Dayak Ethnic Group in State Borders of Entikong, West Kalimantan, on Friday (26/1).
Her research resulted that kawatan (group) and tembawang (land possession of customary community) became the transcendental aspect of the spatial formation of Dayak people in the state borders of Entikong.
Agustina said Kawatan-Tembawang theory had more enriched the planning theory in theory of traditional spatial forms in Indonesia. This theory is formed thanks to the process that arose due to the interactions between Dayak people and environs and the process of Dayak people changing their environs.
Agustina suggested spatial development, living in land conversion areas, the wish to retain kawatan and tembawang as binder of area or Entikong. For normative planning, tembawang can function as protective forest and germ plasm regulation for regency spatial planning.