UGM students conducting Community Service encouraged the utilization of chrysanthemum and rose which were cultivated by the farmers in Sidomulyo Village, Batu City, Malang, East Java to be processed into tea in order to increase its economic value.
One of the efforts done by the student was holding a seminar regarding the making of chrysanthemum tea and rose tea for Krisan Mulyo Joyo farmer group. The students held a workshop regarding the tea making.
This student team consists of interdisciplinary students, they are Jonathan Kent (Faculty of Engineering), Andini Nursetiani (Faculty of Economics and Business), Reinaldo Salim (Faculty of Engineering) and Tamara Adys (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences). They conduct community service programme since December 23, 2017 until February 9, 2018 under the supervision of UGM field lecturer, Ganiez Riza Aristya, S.Si., M.Sc.
Andini said the workshop also explained the flower selection and monitoring, tea making, and the packaging design development.
“We also deliver the budget analysis on making chrysanthemum tea and rose tea,” said Andini on Thursday (8/2).
The programme obtained positive appreciation from the flower farmers in Sidomulyo. They showed a high enthusiasm during the workshop and discussed the product development.
“After this workshop, we hope the farmers can utilize the chrysanthemum and rose potential to become a high value product as well as a typical drink of Sidomulyo Village,” she added.