Three initiatives in information technology and communication from UGM have become nominees in the annual World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS Prizes) organised by the United Nations.
Those three are Center for Digital Society (CfDS) of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, MedUp health platforms based on artificial intelligent, and Tambo news media that uses intelligent positive content generator.
CfDS FISIPOL ( is one of 40 nominees in the category of “The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development” thanks to their initiative named as Knowledge Building toward Indonesian Digital Society.
CfDS is a UGM Centre for studies that is established on the development and dynamics of world socio-politics, marked by IT development; its main focus is to build Indonesian digital society by means of research, training, seminar and public events.
“Through the various projects we want to increase the understanding of society on the impact of digital technology,” said Fahreza Daniswara, Project Officer on Partnership and External Affairs of CfDS on Monday (12/2).
The second initiative, MedUp, is one of 40 nominees in the category of “ICT App: e-health” MedUp is a comprehensive information portal on paramedics and health facilities based on Artificial Intelligence.
MedUp helps users to get health information, also find doctors and health facilities. MedUp has covered 1,500 doctors and 79 health facilities in 5 cities.
“MedUp is born to respond to health problems found among society, such as finding paramedics and health facilities. It also helps society find health facilities that have health insurance covers,” said CEO of MedUp, Arief Faqihudin.
The portal developed by students and alumni of Universitas Gadjah Mada is now focusing on paramedics and health facilities.
The third nominee, Tambo ( is being nominated for the media category along with 13 other nominees. Tambo is a new media platform on interesting stories about Indonesia, including tourism, culinary, fashion, and entertainment news. Built in 2017, the platform is run by 15 students and alumni of UGM and under the mentor of Gama Multi. In 2017, Tambo became one of 200 innovative startups in Indonesia according to Research, Technology and Higher Education.
“Tambo is planned to be open for public where they can send articles to be published in Tambo,” said Kuncoro, one of its founders.
WSIS Prize 2018 is held by International Telecommunication Union (ITU) one of agencies under the auspices of the UN. Held since 2012, this event aims at appreciating individuals, NGOs, regional/national/international organisation, private agencies and government agencies that have contributed to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in 2030 based on information technology and communication.
In all, there are 17 initiatives from Indonesia among 463 other initiatives that became nominees. The seventeen initiatives need votes to be able to get through to the 5 highest votes, of which these would be evaluated by experts to get a Winner and 4 Champions from each category. Voting can be done by clicking “vote” in the