As a public service unit, libraries need feedback with regard to their services. Three ways are required to monitor perceptions, hopes, or complaints from library users on library services. SIAP application is provided at UGM to know the public aspiration, society satisfaction index survey and reviews from society sent through Google reviews.
Head of UGM Library, Dra. Nawang Purwanti, M.Lib., said after one year of the application implementation, in 2014 they received 105 aspirations, down to 43 in 2015 and 2016, and to 25 in 2017.
Nawang said as a form of their commitment to continue improving quality services, the UGM Library regularly hold a survey to know the society satisfaction index. The average scores are as follows: 75.0 (2013), 76.22 (2014), 74.96 (2015), 75.64 (2016) and 77.34 (2017). Scores between 62.51-81.25 are considered as good. Google reviews recorded in 2016 there were 54 reviews of 4.4 stars (highest score 5). In 2017 the total review was 122 of 4.5 stars.
“”With this feedback from users, the Library may follow it up by improving itself on aspects that have not met the expectations of the users,” Nawang Purwanti said at UGM Library on Thursday during a celebration event of the 67th anniversary of the Library.
Nawang said to ensure updated collections, database, and reference, the UGM library subscribed to e-journal and e-databases or purchased perceptual e-books from SCOPUS, Summon Discovery, Wiley E-Books, Taylor & Francis E-Books and Springer E-Books while libraries at Faculties provide textbooks that are required.
She further reported the increase in mobile access to the library portal. In 2015 the Android mobile access was 28,315, in 2016 it was 58,024,and in 2017 it was 93,056. Through iOS mobile access in 2015 it was 2,738, in 2016 it was 6,101 and in 2017 it was 9,157
Librarian, Safirotu Khoir, Ph.D, said in her speech that along with developments in information technology and library users that are mostly of the digital generation, the library has made innovations in terms of teaching method and service variations such as by producing games. According to Safirotu Khoir, the presence of games collections in academic library showed the fact that games are forms of media that are equivalent to others.
“Unfortunately, academic librarians in Indonesia still consider academic library as a place to study and to access reading materials. Games are, thus, not yet provided by libraries in Indonesia while librarians consider games are just for fun which are not to be provided at libraries,” she said.
The UGM library anniversary was marked by an awarding event to users who borrowed books the most in 2017, Suwarno, a doctoral History student, user that made most visits to the library, Muhammad Abeng, Agriculture students, and user that most often access through ezproxy database, Adri Warsena, graduate student in Management.