Biology UGM students have won national Biology Championship in Universitas Udayana, Bali.
In the competition themed Smart Biology to Generate Qualified Scientists for Golden Indonesia on 5 March 2018, the team won the first place award in the poster presentation category.
The UGM team consisting of I Wayan Swarautama Mahardhika (2014) and Nugroho Nofriarno (2014) presented a research poster related to Gama Chicken entitled Character Inheritance of Chicken Hybrid Phenotype (Gallus gallus gallus, Linn.1758).
Nugroho explained the research on the chicken cross-breeding had started since May 2016 under the guidance of Dr. Budi S. Daryono, M.Agr.Sc. They focused on the breeding of local chicken (Pelung) with Broiler chicken to have local hybrid chicken that has high meat productivity and characteristics.
“The cross-breeding produces a hybrid chicken that is named as Kambro (Kampung-Broiler) chicken,” he said on Thursday (8/3) at Faculty of Biology UGM.
This chicken, he said, had phenotype characters like Pelung chicken but also had weight increase like a Broiler.
Nugroho mentioned that the Kambro chicken research had the highest difficulties compared to the other types of chickens developed by researchers at Genetics Laboratory of Faculty of Biology at Universitas Gadjah Mada. This is due to the low productivity of Broiler final stock available in Indonesia.
“This win at the competition is the result of our long commitment to develop the Gama Chicken,” he said.
Dean of Faculty of Biology UGM, Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono M.Agr.Sc., expressed his pride following the success. He would always support the students to publish their research for publication and presentation to open the insight of the public and intellectuals.