Head of National Standardisation Agency(BSN), Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Prasetya, M.Sc., appreciated UGM that had already a laboratory accredited by the National Accreditation Committee (KAN).
“There are not many laboratories at higher education institutions that have earned accreditations. Thus, I truly appreciate the UGM laboratory, LPPT, that has been accredited by the KAN,” he said when visiting the lab last Thursday (15/3).
Integrated Research and Testing Laboratory (LPPT) is one of three laboratories at UGM. Both testing and calibration labs of the LPPT have also been accredited.
According to Bambang, the presence of accredited testing lab was very important, because it would increase the user’s trust of the lab as a place that has competence to do assessment of accordance.
Bambang also supported the lab affiliation programme done by the LPPT UGM since 2010 which allowed them to establish cooperation with other labs at UGM faculties. The cooperation is on the competence development to earn accreditation of ISO/IEC 17025:2005. Currently, they have affiliated with 13 labs at 7 faculties.
In addition, LPPT UGM has developed an information system covering testing, research, calibration, and chemicals.
“Information system can be used also by customers of the LPPT to check the testing status and calibration,” said Kuwat Triyana, lecturer of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM, who was once Manager of Assurance of the LPPT.
Bambang further visited the High Voltage Engineering lab at Electrical Engineering Department, because the parameters done in this lab are parameters potential to be made cooperation with multinational corporations.