Added protection to intellectual property right is given by government to boost the spirit in doing creative and innovative activity that can create new and beneficial things. Responsibility of such protection, however, is not solely held by the government, but also related agencies, including higher education.
“One of the agencies that can protect intellectual property right of economic potential is higher education institution. They can establish intellectual property centres as a unit that runs or manages intellectual property at higher education,” said UGM Director of Cooperation, Alumni, and International Affairs, Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko, S.Si., M.Sc., giving a speech during a seminar to socialise Management Agency of Collective Literacy, hosted by Creative Economy Agency (BEKRAF) on Tuesday (27/3) in Tentrem Hotel Yogyakarta.
He said in 2018 as many as 94 intellectual property centres were established in Indonesia, including at UGM under the Research Directorate. It has the duty to give services related to application, socialisation, training, and maintenance.
Effective protection of intellectual property, he said, can save against exploitation of a product, services, design, concept, solution or ideas by other parties due to the failure in protecting the product which is a very potential asset.
“Problems that often arise in creative economy development – among others – is commercialisation of intellectual property through licence agreement, conflict of interest between inventor or individual with organisation or university on ownership of intellectual property asset, capacity and ability of higher education in doing negotiation, royalty collecting, and enforcement,” he said.
Danang added there were also the phenomenon where inventors, innovators and creators not realising that hey have made a creation or innovation, not realising the importance of existence of such creation and innovation as a business asset.
Hence, synergy between higher education and the Creative Economy Agency as well as Association of Reproduction of Creation (PRCI) was expected to increase the role and access of academic community to intellectual property products that can trigger the creative economy in Indonesia.
The seminar is organised to give understanding to academic community on the importance of encouraging intellectual creation for the country advancement, protective law, use, multiplication, and sanction for abuse, and the importance of public participation, especially from campus to support the sustainability of intellectual property creation by writers and publishers.
“Contribution from creative economy will increase from year to year, but from publishing sub-sector the contribution is still low, which is 6.32%. And this has triggered us to be involved in finding ways to resolve the matter,” said Deputy Head of Facilitation of Intellectual Property Right and Regulation of BEKRAF, Ari Juliano Gema.