UGM Semar car will compete in Driver’s World Championship (DWC) in London on 8 July 2018 The energy safe car from UGM has previously won the championship in the urban category in the Asian level DWC in March 2018 in Singapore.
“The SEMAR UGM team’s car ranks first in the urban category of the Asian level competition and it will later compete with strong teams from Europe and the USA,’ said Manager of SEMAR UGM team, Antonius Adhika A., to reporters in a press conference in Balairung UGM on Tuesday (17/4).
Adhika said the SEMAR Urban Gasoline UGM car was the four-wheeled prototype that was developed under the concept of city car. Using fuels, it can travel at 267 km/litre. It uses composite carbon fibre that is light but strong for its body, weighing 80 Kg.
Team supervisor, Dr. Jayan Sentanuhady, said DWC was the most prestigious event for student automotive competitions. The vehicle in this event is tested for speed as well as fuel saving.
“It needs a hard work to be able to compete in the world level, it needs speed and efficiency,” he said.
The combination of performance, reliance, driver, and energy efficiency are the main challenges in this competition. Hence, the team is continuously improving the car to meet these goals.
“We continue to review the car and other priorities. We are preparing the car as best as we can to get the best mileage,” he said.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., congratulated the team for their win in Asia. He hoped the team would train well and improve its performance to get the best results.
The Rector also expected that vehicle innovations made by SEMAR UGM could go downstream so as to be enjoyed by the wider public.
“It’s important to compete and win championships, but downstreaming innovations is also important,” he said.
The team will send nine members to the DWC in London to support the performance of the car in the international level and make both UGM and Indonesia proud.