Police Academy (STIK-PTIK) has established cooperation with 7 universities across Java. They are Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Dian Nuswantoro, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Universitas Diponegoro, and Universitas Brawijaya.
Signing of the cooperation agreement was done on human resource capacity enhancement by Chairman of STIK-PTIK, Irjend. Pol Dr. R. Sigid Tri Hardjanto, S.H, M.Si., and university leaderships as well as representatives from the local police office where the universities are located. UGM was represented by Vice-Rector for Education, Teaching, and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. ir. Djagal Wiseso Marseno, M.Agr., and Chief of Yogyakarta Police Office, Brigjen. Pol. Drs. H. Ahmad Dofiri, M.Si.
Sigid Tri Hardjanto said the cooperation with the seven universities was a continuation to the MoU conducted between Police Headquarters and several universities previously. This was in line with the work program of the Chief of National Police that wanted to establish professional, modern, and trusted police agency.
Sigid Tri Hardjanto hoped the cooperation would develop and increase the academic quality of PTIK students who were on territorial duties as well as increasing academic quality in terms of administrative science, management, social and law sciences.
“Besides, they would be able to identify and formulate social problems related to their police duties according to the characteristics of respective regions,” he said in the UGM Senate Hall on Friday (20/4).
Deputy Chairman of STIK-PTIK, Brigjen. Poll. Yudiawan R., added with this cooperation, a total of 20 cooperations had been established with universities in Sumatra, Bali and Nusa Tenggara and Java.
Chief of Yogyakarta Police, Brigjen. Pol. Drs. H. Ahmad Dofiri, M.Si., representing other regional chiefs of police that were attending the event said the cooperation was important because the police officers that would study at STIK- PTIK would be able to learn wider and more insight from their lecturers, including in Yogyakarta through UGM.
He also explained the close relations between the police and society so that the police has to be equipped with good knowledge including those that relate to academic knowledge.
Meanwhile, Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., expected the cooperation would be followed with real actions so that the police and academic community would be able to play greater roles for the development of Indonesia.
The Rector recognised those universities and PTIK work on the same domain which is to educate the young generation.
“If all is synergised, this will give stronger impacts. We want to strengthen our respective potential. I hope with this cooperation we would complement and give to each other so we will eventually get stronger,” he said.