As many as 43,824 participants went to do Joint Entrance Test for State University in Yogyakarta on Tuesday (8/5). The figure is an increase this year from last year which was 40,894 people.
There are five state universities in Yogyakarta giving the test, namely Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional ‘Veteran’ Yogyakarta, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, and Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta.
Participants of SBMPTN are graduates from high schools/Islamic schools/vocational schools class of 2016, 2017, and 2018. As high as 41,979 people did Paper-based Test while 1,845 Computer-based Test. There are also additional tests for arts and sports study programme.
Inspector General of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum., visited several locations for SBMPTN in Yogyakarta, including Faculty of Economics and Business UGM.
He praised the preparedness of the local committee and the preparations for test facilities, especially the Paper-based Test that needs more supporting facilities.
“I have witnessed that all computers were running well and participants were able to use them,” he said.
This year UGM organised the Paper-based Test for Science-Technology category with a total number of participants 16,757 that did the test in 40 locations. For Computer-based Test, there were 710 participants. As many as 1,285 lecturers and staff have been involved in the test as person in charge, monitors, and technicians.
SBMPTN is one of three mechanisms of state university entrance tests. UGM will receive 2,842 (40% of all) new students from this mechanism in 67 study programmes.
UGM will later open registration for Written Test mechanism in undergraduate and diploma programme.