In commemoration of the 73rd Pancasila Day as well as reaffirming UGM’s identity of University of Pancasila, Centre for Pancasila Studies UGM is holding a concert themed #PANCASILARUMAHKITA (Pancasila is Our Home), in collaboration with Yogyakarta’s Secretariat of Special Autonomy, Gelora Bahana Patria, KAGAMA, IKA UII, and Pramuka Kwarda DIY. The Indonesian peace concert #PANCASILARUMAHKITA will be held on Friday (June 1, 2018) from 15.00 to 17.30 hours, at Pancasila Field, Grha Sabha Pramana UGM.
The band originated from the capital city of Indonesia, Slank, enlivens the concert with a choir of thousands of students and college students from various schools in Yogyakarta, presented by Gelora Bahana Patria Choir. Moreover, the concert also presents National dances, speeches by national figures, and music performances as the closing.
A representative from Yogyakarta’s Secretariat of Special Autonomy, Widihasto Wasana Putra, declared this year’s commemoration of Pancasila will be different from the previous year because it is planned with a fresh concept. The commemoration of 73rd Pancasila Day is expected to inspire and encourage the citizens in preserving Pancasila as the outcome of national consensus.
“Slank has many fans and we will educate those fans about the ideology of Pancasila so it can be stronger,” explained Widihasto at the Centre for Pancasila Studies, Sunday afternoon (5/27).
Widihasto added Slank will not only entertain its fans in Yogyakarta. The band also plans to organize a march for andong (Javanese traditional vehicle pulled by horses) one day before the concerts, which is May 21, 2018.
“Yes. They will perform a march starting at The Tugu Monument and heading to The Kraton of Yogyakarta. After that, Slank will attend an iftar (breaking fast) at the Kraton.”
Dr. Heri Santoso, Head of Centre for Pancasila Studies UGM, said the speech will present several national figures, including Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, D.Eng., M.Eng, Prof. Dr. A. Syafei Ma’arif, Prof. Dr. Mahfud MD, and student representatives. Moreover, the commemoration also holds a Pancasila course and congress.
This year’s celebration, Heri commented, aims to maintain the collective memory of citizens of the national consensus Pancasila. In addition, it also attempts to ideologizing the values of Pancasila to the young generation.
“It also aims to be a cross-generation synergy movement to reinforce the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and to fight against the threats of radical groups and ideals that reject the national consensus,” he explained.
Meanwhile, Expert Team of Centre for Pancasila Studies UGM, said the Pancasila course and congress will be held for three days from July 16-18, 2018. The course and congress carry the theme of Pancasila as a world ideology.
In the meantime, the course and congress also organize a Focus Group Discussion attended by approximately 4,000 rectors of Indonesian universities. The course and congress will discuss Pancasila as a unifying tool of Indonesia and the world.
“For 73 years, many countries have been amazed by Indonesia’s survival. We hope that Pancasila will also contribute to the world, as it contributes as a basis for development to the new world,” he concluded.