Welcoming the month of Ramadhan 1438 Hijri, Public Relations and Protocol UGM once again organized an iftar (breaking the fast) event with UGM Journalist Forum (Fortakgama).
Held at Gadjah Mada University Club on Wednesday (6/6), the event aimed as a get-together event for UGM executives to reconnect with journalists who have been instrumental in improving UGM’s reputation in the community.
“On behalf of UGM, we would like to say thank you for the presence of our media colleagues and thank you also for the longstanding relationship that has been established between us. Without the media, UGM would not be as widely known as today,” said the UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., in his opening speech in the event.
Panut stated that journalists have contributed greatly in distributing information, especially the ones related to research, education, and community service activities performed by UGM, including studies from UGM researchers that are useful for the community. “Without the media, UGM would not be able to socialize its activities to the public,” he added.
Amidst the issues that occurred in the country, said Panut, UGM is committed to continuing solving the problem and providing various alternative solutions. However, he admitted that UGM’s role has not been publicized enough so that the community considers UGM as not taking part in various issues.
“UGM as a full-grown university should be capable of providing solutions when the country encounters complex issues. It is certain that UGM will never stop taking concrete steps. But if this is not publicized, UGM may seem as though it is doing nothing,” he explained.
For that reason, he hoped that the relationship between UGM and media can be improved and through mass media, the community can tie in with UGM and its various roles.
A similar hope was also expressed by Bernas Editor-In-Chief, Putut Wiryawan who also attended the event. He said that the harmonious relationship between UGM and the media has been established for a very long time. In the future, he hoped that more UGM academicians will contribute to the settlement of national issues through research and their critical views, particularly amidst the chaotic atmosphere of the political year.
“Insight from experts from this famous university is certainly very appreciated. Some believe that the following year will be quite critical, but we believe that as long as the academicians are able to provide objective insight and assessment, both are important assets for the community to take a step.”
During the public iftar event, the journalists had the chance to ask questions and talk with the UGM Rector. One of the questions was related to the parking arrangement and vehicle management in campus. UGM Rector immediately responded to he questions by explaining some future development plans.