The absence of structured and systematic media to record the patient’s case and medication history, especially child patients, can lead to a non-integrated treatment of patients when they need to move to other hospitals or clinics to get better health services. A number of UGM students joining the Medico team have created a personal medical record book to improve the quality of pediatric care.
The product was developed by five UGM students in the Medico team. The students consist of Ilham Rahadisetya (Dentistry 2016), Fathul Muin (Pharmacy 2015), Dimas Dwi Andini Friasari (Industrial Engineering 2015), Dhiana Ayu Novitasari (Nursing Science 2017), and Akram Sripandam Prihanantya (Geodetic Engineering 2017), under the guidance of Drg. Indra Bramanti, Sp. KGA., M.Sc.
The Medico Team is one of the teams that passed the proposal selection of Student Creativity Program 2018. Ilham said on Thursday (7/5) that Medico is a personal medical record book that documents the patient’s case and prescribed medication history.
The team is currently doing a product commercialization. In the meantime, the marketing is aimed for Yogyakarta and surrounding areas. “We are cooperating with various clinics and hospitals,” he explained.