Five UGM students have successfully developed an innovative oral and dental treatment device that facilitates dentists in performing dental care.
The device is Portable Dental Saliva Ejector Tool “Septadent” which is used to suction saliva during dental procedures. It is designed to be easily moved from one place to another, including remote areas.
“The device can work without electricity and other equipment such as dental chair,” explained Nur Halimah Putri to journalists on Friday (7/6) in UGM Fortakgama Room.
Septadent consists of several components including vacuum pump, vacuum bottle, infusion hose, pneumatic screw, and dental suction. It also has electronic components, such as switches, cables, batteries, and LCD as battery indicator.
The components are then assembled in a container to make it easy to carry. It is powered with batteries that can last up to two hours following the minimum standard for dental treatment and suction speed of 10 ml/sec.
“The battery is rechargeable and equipped with a power indicator,” said the Dentistry (2016) student.
In the tool making process, Nur Halimah worked along with Fita Fathya Iriana (Dentistry 2017), Adintaka Galih S (Engineering Physics 2015), Yarabisa Yanuar (Mechanical Engineering 2014), and Laura Yahdiyani (Management 2016).
The idea to make the device came from the experiences of her fellow Dentistry students during a student community service program. Problems arise when dental treatments are needed in areas with no electricity and dental chairs.
Fita explained that oral and dental instruments in hospitals or clinics are generally installed to dental chairs. For instance, saliva ejector that is essential in most dental procedures. The tool serves to suction saliva during a dental restoration to maintain the fillings.
“Septadent in expected to facilitate dentists, co-assistants, and dentistry students in performing dental treatments during community service program in remote areas.”
For easy carrying, the device is equipped with a handle. It has been marketed for Rp799,000 and is available for purchase through Instagram account: septadent.ugm, Facebook: Septadent UGM and contact at 087812811151.
The innovative product by UGM students does not only facilitate dentists in performing dental care, but it also received research and development grants from Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education through the Student Creativity Program on Entrepreneurship 2018.