Lecturer of Universitas Bakrie, Ir. Gunardi Endro, Ph.D., asserted that ethical reflection of Unity in Diversity that underlies objective attitude evokes the pluralism thinking or otherwise, the problematic monism.
Therefore, the appropriate ethical reflection of Unity in Diversity is based on theological thinking that corresponds to the interpretation of an old poem Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, Tan Hana Dharma Mangrwa (There is Unity in Diversity, as There is No Duality in Truth). Formally, the appropriate ethical reflection of Unity in Diversity is based on the synthesis of attitude and dialectical of cyclical subjects that include the balanced functioning of reason and belief.
“Materially, such reflection is based on at least the core values of humanity as a reference,” he said at the Faculty of Philosophy UGM, Friday (7/13) while presenting a paper on The Ethics Position of Unity in Diversity at the Association of Indonesian Ethics Lecturers (HIDESI) 28th Conference.
Gunadi said that in the context of Indonesian community, the material of Unity in Diversity is revealed as the core values of Pancasila. If the values are part of a culture, then they serve as a unifying tool for the realization of Unity in Diversity.
“It is because the values are potential rather than necessity, and cultures with Pancasila core values must be protected,” said Gunardi, lecturer of Applied Ethics since 1996.
Meanwhile, Dr. Bernadus Wibowo Suliantoro, M.Hum., Universitas Atmajaya Yogyakarta lecturer, in discussion of justice declared that social justice is a complex issue related to various dimensions of human life. Humans themselves are multi-dimensional beings with their own uniqueness and complexity in building a just and civilized humanity.
In his opinion, there are many aspects to be considered to make a fair decision, because the emphasis on one aspect will result in a particular philosophical thinking.
For instance, liberalism that emphasizes civil liberties, while socialism emphasizes equality. A biased view on one aspect of human life becomes a weakness when understanding the concept of social justice in social life.
“Karen J. Warren is an ecofeminist figure who strives to formulate the social justice concept in a more comprehensive manner,” he said when presenting a paper on The Concept of Social Justice in Diversity Based on the Thinking of Karen J. Warren.
Bernadus Wibowo stated that ecofeminism is not only a philosophy, but also a social movement for justice and diversity. Diversity is a necessity in the reality of life. Humans differ from animals, women differ from men, but how within diversity each side acquires fair position, place, and reward.
“One of the core ethical issues in diversity in communities is how to treat others equally.”
He argued that justice is an innate value as well as the product of human thought construction. Every human being is not only capable to distinguish between the good and the bad, but also the just and the unjust.
“Human actions are essentially driven by a mindset that lies behind. Human activities are not based on instinct alone, but are based on a certain frame of mind.”
The 28TH Conference of HIDESI was held for two days from July 13-14, 2018 at the Faculty of Philosophy UGM and Universitas Atmajaya Yogyakarta. The conference carried the theme of Ethics and Unity in Diversity.
“This conference was attended by 70 participants from 18 universities, and I believe the theme of Unity in Diversity corresponds to the context of the current Indonesian community,” said Dr. Alexander Serang, head of committee and head of HIDESI.