Post-reform 1998 started the regional autonomy with regions having the chance to maximise their efforts to advance themselves. This needed to be positively responded. Regarding this issue, the importance of regional asset management has come to the surface.
“I wish to highlight the importance of regional asset management to achieve the success of regional developments,” said Prof. Sudjito Atmoredjo, S.H., M.Si, in Sukadji Ranuwihardjo Auditorium, Master in Management UGM, on Saturday (14/7) during a seminar on regional asset management to improve regional revenues.
Sudjito said in the event to celebrate the 23rd anniversary of Master Programme in Development Economics UGM that many projects in regional asset management were based on existing regulations. He highlighted the need for everyone to commit in applying the management seriously based on the laws. He regretted, however, there are still problems relating to the inaccordance and inconsistency between central and regional laws and between sectors. Therefore, he suggested them to also stick to ethics.
“Ethics become the control, perfector, and complementer when laws are imperfect. Functional law principles, legal certainty, transparency, openness, efficiency, accountability and value certainty are all ethics that have to be innate in the heart of those that administer regional asset management,” he emphasised.
Eko Suwardi, M.Sc., Ph.D, Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, had the view that regional asset management became important and up-to-date for many. Assets need to be designed and managed so that each region would gain substantial regional revenues that will always increase.
Other speakers in the event were Soeparjanto, SH., M.Ec.Dev, from State Asset Management and Information System Directorate, Drs. Irwan Nasir, M.Si (Regent of Meranti Island), Nadjmi Adhani, S.Sos., M.Si (Mayor of Banjarbaru) and Gabriel Asem, SE., M.Si (Regent of Tambrauw).