There are various types of therapy for people with autism. One nature of the therapy is fun quality that comes through play which can develop the cognitive or motoric capabilities of the person. The key is interest in the therapy tool, particularly among hypoactive people.
Based on this matter, three UGM students have developed a tool for autistic people that comes in the form of sound based sensor educational lamp. The students are Raka Cahya Prambada, Melia Rosmawati, Nia Lestari Muqarohmah. They wanted to withdraw the interest of the autistic people in the therapy tool for the success of the therapy.
Raka said the tool utilised LED band and microphones that have the role as sound sensors, connected with a micro-controller. The tool will give response with the LED turning on while sound sensor is received in the microphone that will later be processed by the micro-controller.
According to Raka, this was an innovation which is modern and interactive. He explained the tool was designed to enable the users to control and take care of themselves. They are taught to be more responsive to daily activities such as hand clapping which is an effort to train their motoric skills and their communication skills.
Raka said this tool was very simple and many people could produce it without too much resource. He admitted, however, that the effect of the tool would take a long time to be observable. He also hoped this would be better developed to give optimum therapy effect.
Melia shared the hopes to develop it better. “We hope this tool can awaken the general public to give care towards people with disabilities, especially autistic people,” she said.