Becoming a leader ought to be brave, clear, whilst being a decision maker. They also need to have noble and responsible traits.
“That’s the true essence of leaders. I’m here just to remind you and encourage you, because actually I’m now standing before leaders and future leaders,” said Brig. Gen. Drs. Wibisono Puspitohadi, M.Sc., M.Si, in Grha Sabha Pramana on Wednesday (18/7) when briefing graduate students who will be inaugurated in July 2018.
Wibisono said the key to being a leader is to always smile and respect everyone. You don’t need to wait for others to respect you first. This will make the surrounding people and the universe calm and happy.
“So it’s our duty to calm down. Before talking about national resilience, we need to uphold Indonesia’s mindset, because national resilience is a dynamic condition that contains persistence, resilience, and capacity,” he said.
Wibisono hoped all graduates to have goals and intention because with those things, all that you ever want will happen. He highlighted the importance to have real intention, because many people out there are confused, not knowing what to do as they don’t have intentions.
“We need to determine our intention, especially if it is beneficial for others. As UGM graduates, we cannot stay regular but to be extraordinary. So, we always need to be focused,” said the Secretary of Research and Community Service Institute of Universitas Pertahanan.
Meanwhile, Taufiq Alimi, Vice President of Rare Indonesia, said there were two special characteristics of UGM graduates. First, UGM graduates inherit Gadjah Mada’s values and second, UGM dares to go rural.
As one that inherits the values of Gadjah Mada, UGM graduates are expected to put first national unity. As a graduate from a rural focused university, graduates are expected to be responsible to their constituents.
“Academic and leadership responsibility is not towards the chief, but the constituents. A doctor is responsible not to the hospital manager, but the patients. So is agricultural science graduates, responsible to the agriculture sector,” said Taufiq Alimi.