A film by the title of “Sardjito dalam Lukisan Revolusi,” (Sardjito in the Revolutionary Illustration) was launched by UGM on Wednesday (18/7) in the Senate Hall UGM. The film can now be accessed by the general public via Youtube. The launching event was also presented painters Nujes Tujes and poem reading by Komunitas Jaring Budaya.
The documentary that depicts the real story of Indonesia’s revolutionary struggle after the independence and features Sardjito has been screened in 19 locations in 9 cities, including Bogor, Lampung, Tarakan, Kupang, Purwokerto, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Bantul, and Klaten.
“Public viewing of the film has been done independently by various communities and institutions such as PMI, Pramuka, UII, Unsoed, UGM, SMA Kibang Lampung, and also the residents of Klaten city,” said Muslichah from research team of the film.
Panut Mulyono, Rector of UGM, appreciated the team as the film became a valuable works for the history of UGM, because he was the founder of the university. “He founded UGM. So, I would like to thank the archives team that has worked hard to present this film,” he said. He also expressed his hopes that UGM academic community would follow Sardjito’s example.
“By learning the fight of Pak Sardjito, the students would be inspired to be determined and spirited in living their life,” he said.
Arif Rianto, deputy chairman of PMI Yogyakarta, said he had a different view of Sardjito after seeing the film. “Previously, I saw him as an intellectual and doctor, now I see him as a fighter, too,” he said.
Rianto said his colleagues from PMI very much appreciated the figure of Sardjito after seeing the film. “Medical workers in the past like Pak Sardjito, they had a very tough struggle. That made us ashamed if now we give up easily at work,” he said.
Artist Susilo Nugroho from Kethoprak Conthong theatre saw Sardjito as someone influential for Indonesia. Sardjito, he said, was not alone, but the role of his wife also needs to be appreciated.
“It’s true that Pak Sardjito could really make drugs and logistics, but without his wife, all of those would not be distributed to the people needing them,” he said.
Susilo said if there was none from UGM who wanted to live by his examples, this was not a problem, because there are many more people outside willing to do so. “That includes myself and friends from Kethoprak Conthong,” he said.