To celebrate the 41st anniversary of the UGM Student Regiment Unit on 8 September 2018, the group held a ceremony and events at Balairung UGM.
UGM Director of Student Affairs, Dr. R. Suharyadi, M.Sc., who led the ceremony said, “In its 41st year, there have been many achievements being made by the Student Regiment unit of UGM. Presently, it is different than In the last 20 years. In the past the student regiment also contributed to the national defence, but now they do it at the university level.”
Suharyadi asked the students to observe the developments of the organisation from year to year. He asked them to be more creative in recruiting and reaching out to new members for the future development. He also asked them to have good information technology knowledge to be able to catch up with global flows. Suharyadi added the members after graduation would have added value in terms of military.
The event was also attended by Ir. Nur Indrianti, M.T., D. Eng., instructor of the group as well as chairperson of UGM Women’s Unit; Prof. Armaidy, lecturer in defence sciences; as well as commander of 072 Pamungkas military resort, Yogyakarta regional police, 0732 Sleman regional command, Sleman regional police office, Head of Centre of Pancasila Studies UGM, and instructors and alumni of the Student Regiment Unit.
Student Regiment representatives from other universities in Yogyakarta as well as UGM student representatives also attended the ceremony. The oath of Student Regiment was pledged, and handover of signs was done to members that have finished their studies.
On the celebratory night, speeches were made by Deputy Commander of the Unit, M. Garin Ardhana, and founders of the unit, Drs. Djoko Prasetyo. This was followed by Staff of The Month award presentation to the Unit for the period of August.
Next, there will be a Bhakti Yudha event on 29 September 2018 and LAPINTRI (Leadership training for female members) in November 2018.