The theme of Industrial Revolution 4.0 became a very interesting topic which is raised in many forums because Industry 4.0 has affected human lives.
“Industry 4.0 is marked by great technology and information development. What’s often heard in this era is artificial intelligence, robotics, internet of things and 3D printing,” said Ruly Nuryanto, S.E., M.Si, Deputy Head of Development in Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprise Ministry in Hotel Tara Jogjakarta on Tuesday (31/10).
According to Ruly, in Industry 4.0 the scale of companies no longer guarantee success, but how a company respond to change does. SMEs and cooperatives, therefore, should be prepared with the change.
“In this context, partnership becomes important. It’s therefore relevant if we talk about cooperation rather than competition,” he said.
For example, the Indonesian largest taxi operator Blue Bird has teamed up with Gojek online transportation apps to use their apps. What is developing now is economy sharing where business players not compete but establish partnership.
Ruly said there were three main points in partnership, vision and mission, trust, and commitment between partners. “These need to be sustained if we are to build good partnership which is healthy and mutually profitable,” he said in the Workshop for SMEs.
UGM Director for Community Service, Prof. Ir. Irfan Dwidya Prijambada M.Eng., Ph.D., said UGM since 2012 wanted to return to its essence as the university of the people related to community service. UGM formed a sub-unit on SMEs and Cooperatives which focuses on marketing development in Industry 4.0.
“Industry 4.0 is a revolution that brings market closer to the producers. Now the market is brought closer to IT so they can sell their products directly,” he said,
Meanwhile, Dian Permanasari, M.Dev, Head of Methodology & Research Analysis in Creative Economy, added Industry 4.0 can be used for industrial development. “In this era business climate has changed, conventional business turning into new business. And this gives us a chance to develop our businesses,” she said.
Dian said over 50% of internet users in Indonesian population which is 262 million are active users. Unfortunately, 87.13 percent of the active 143.26 million use it only for social media whereas internet can actually be used to increase productivity.
“We’re focusing on what can be used from the internet as it can increase marketing, branding and shopping. Data from Indonesia Digital Landscape 2018 showed 90 minutes per month Indonesian people use the internet for online shopping. This tells us that the internet can give us a big opportunity to grow,” she said.