Faculty of Biology UGM gave training related to the use of natural colourings to the rural community of Sleman regency, particularly traditional food sellers in Ndelik market.
Event chairperson, Lisna Hidayati, M. Biotech., said the training was part of the community service project for appropriate technology implementation of Faculty of Biology UGM in cooperation with Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM. The team consists of Lisna Hidayati, M.Biotech, Akbar Reza, S.Si., M.Sc., Luthfi Nurhidayat, S.Si., M.Sc., Dwi Larasatie Nur Fibri, S.TP., M.Sc., Ph.D., and Aries Bagus Sasongko, S.Si., M.Biotech.
Besides the training, the event also gave material training related to natural packaging, complaint handling, loss and profit calculation, food philosophy, and calorie calculator.
The event culminated with the planting of natural colouring plants, cooking of traditional food, and batik painting using natural colours, roadshow and gyms, held on Sunday 25 November 2018 at the market.
The event was opened by Dean of Faculty of Biology UGM, Dr. Budi S Daryono, and Vice-Regent of Sleman, Dra. Hj. Sri Muslimatun, M.Kes. Also attending were representatives from Sleman Tourism Agency and Director of Tridadi Makmur village enterprise, H. Agus Khaliq, as well as sponsors.
Lisna said the Ndelik market had been appointed as the target of implementation of appropriate technology of natural colouring due its promising potential in Yogyakarta. DIfferent from other traditional markets in Yogyakarta, the Ndelik market situated in the Puri Mataraman area uses Pandel in trade activities and minimises plastic use. Due to this aspect, the team chose the area as their community service project in terms of natural colouring materials to improve consumer’s trust to purchase food products from the Ndelik market