Former President of Timor Leste and Nobel laureate of 1996, Ramos Horta, will be one speaker in a seminar themed Indonesia’s Islam at Global Stage: Inspiration for World Peace on Friday (25/1) at Senate Hall UGM.
“The presence of Ramos Horta as a Nobel Peace laureate is important. We will get to hear his views on democratisation in Indonesia and also the roles of Islamic organisations in it,” said Chairman of Centre of Security and Peace Studies UGM, Muhammad Najib Azca, on Tuesday (24/1).
The seminar is run as part of the efforts to promote the contribution and experience of Indonesia in the context of peace and democracy building at national, regional, and international levels.
“Presently the discourse on violence is strongly attached to Islam due to what happened in the Middle East. Against this background, we want to present another face of Islam which is democratic, peaceful, and civilised,” said Najib.
The seminar will specifically discuss the role of two largest Islamic organisations, Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah. Both are seen as having important roles in Indonesia’s democratisation process because they develop religious arguments that are in line with democratic value and civil society enhancement. Both are also active in peacebuilding at regional and international stages. The role of NU and Muhammadiyah, according to Najib, had been acknowledged internationally which triggered the discourse to nominate the both of them for Nobel Peace Prize.
“Amidst world conflicts, particularly in the Middle East, Islam in Indonesia runs hand in hand with democracy and peace building. One of the main factors in this great achievement is the active role of Islamic civil society organisations in Indonesia,” said Najib who also wrote the book Sowing Peace: Role and Contribution of Muhammadiyah and NU for Peace and Democracy.
Other speakers in the event consist of ulemas and other national figures such as Prof. Dr. Ahmad Syafii Maarif, KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf, Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra, in addition to Prof. Dr. Mark Woodward.