Rector of Leiden University, Prof. Dr. Carel Stolker, made a softopening of UGM-Leiden Twin Lab at the seminar room of Fisheries Department UGM on Thursday(27/6). Attending the event were Director for Partnership, Alumni and International Affairs, Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko, S.Si., M.Sc., Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Prof. Agung Endro Nugroho, Ph.D., M.Si., Apt., Vice- Dean of Faculty of Biology UGM, Dr. Eko Agus Suyono, M.App.Sc., as well as delegates of Leiden University and researchers from Zebrafish UGM.
UGM-Leiden Twin Lab is a zebrafish research lab provided by the Leiden University for medicine research by both universities that uses zebrafish as a model animal. The UGM-Leiden Twin Lab is the first modern zebrafish research facility in Indonesia that has international standard.
Prof. Herman Spaink, Director of Institute of Biology Leiden and initiator of Twin Lab founding, said in his remarks that Zebrafish was a suitable animal as an animal model for medical research such as pharmaceutical, toxicology and embryology because zebrafish has similarities with human in terms of response to diseases and there are also similarities in genetics.
“Zebrafish has rapid development, transparent eggs, and is easily observable. Therefore, zebrafish is very potential to cure diseases such as Tb and Diabetes Mellitus type 2. Zebrafish has similar response with human regarding the two diseases,” said Herman.
Prof. Agung Endro Nugroho welcomed the facility, saying “The Twin Lab will trigger collaborative cooperation between both parties.”
Dr. Eko Agus Suyono said the lab would be beneficial to the Faculty as it would introduce zebrafish model directly for academic and research purposes.
“We usually use rats as model animals for biomedical research. This lab would give a new alternative which is of easier maintenance. Moreover in Indonesia, Ethical Clearance will be faster to get with fish model than mammals,” Eko said.
The UGM-Leiden Twin Lab establishment is a follow-up to the MoU between Faculty of Biology and Faculty of Pharmacy UGM with Faculty of Science Leiden University in 2016. An agreement was signed on 5 July 2018 by Dr. Paripurna, S.Hum., M.Hum, LL.M.,and Drs. Gert Jaan van Helden.