Mathematics Department UGM hosted the 8th SEAMS-UGM International Conference on Mathematics from 29 July – 1 August 2019 in Alana Hotel, Yogyakarta. It is a collaboration between the Department and Southeast Asian Mathematics Society (SEAMS) that has existed since 1989. The theme of the event is “Deepening Mathematical Concepts for Wider Applications through Multidisciplinary Research and Industries Collaborations”.
“The conference is a recognition and appreciation of the SEAMS as a professional organisation for mathematicians to UGM. It is also a commitment of UGM towards SEAMS,” said Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo, M.Si., Organizing Committee chairman.
Fajar said there were 304 participants from 21 countries taking part with 31 guest speakers from Indonesia, Canada, the Netherlands, Iran, USA, Singapore, Turkey, France, Japan, Australia, Malaysia, Switzerland, Hongkong and China. Two keynote speakers are Prof. Ken Seng Tan (University of Waterloo, Canada) and Prof. Basuki Widodo (President of Indonesian Mathematics Society/IndoMS). As many as 199 papers will be presented during the event.
Fajar said academically the conference would increase student motivation and give knowledge and insight regarding new developments in math and its applications. For junior lecturers, the event opens opportunities to meet experts and explore doctoral studies opportunities.
In terms of research, said Fajar, the conference opened collaboration opportunities to improve UGM research and number of writings in scientific publications. While on community service, the conference gave opportunities to UGM to expand networking with the industry players or math users, particularly related to applied mathematics,” he said.
The papers of the conference will be published in AIP Proceedings to be registered at Scopus or Thales Mathematical Journal.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., opening the event on Monday (28/7), said he hoped the event would open opportunities for the participants to share knowledge.