One hundred eighty-two staff members at Universitas Gadjah Mada have received appointment decrees (SK) for permanent non-teaching staff positions. These individuals underwent a selection process from June to September. They officially began their roles at UGM as permanent staff on Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024.
The decrees were handed over by the Vice-Rector for Human Resources and Finance, Professor Supriyadi, and the Director of Human Resources, Professor Suadi, on Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2024, at UGM Senate Hall.
Professor Suadi noted that 9,313 applicants registered for the 218 available positions. However, only 182 positions were filled, resulting in an occupancy rate of 82%.
This was because not all test participants were accepted and completed the hiring process.
“Today, we will issue 155 decrees; the remaining ones still need to be finalized as some accepted applicants are still under contract with other institutions,” Professor Suadi stated.
Professor Supriyadi congratulated the newly appointed permanent staff who successfully secured their positions at UGM, highlighting that they had outperformed 51 candidates for each available role.
He hoped the permanent staff would work effectively and contribute positively to UGM’s progress, emphasizing that UGM is the best institution in Indonesia.
“Formally, you all are now part of UGM, so you must reflect UGM’s values in your behavior,” he said.
Furthermore, Professor Supriyadi advised all staff to maintain integrity and concern for all stakeholders they will serve in their roles.
Noting that not all newly appointed staff are UGM alumni, Professor Supriyadi explained that a special program will introduce the values highly regarded by the UGM community.
“We will inform you about the schedule soon. This program is essential to understand and internalize UGM’s values, which you will apply to your behavior,” he clarified.
He also explained the career pathways offered by UGM. Initially, staff will be placed according to the appointment decrees they receive.
Subsequently, they will undergo job rotations to other units to gain broader experience and a clearer understanding of all jobs at UGM.
To be promoted, staff must work through several units to ensure their skills are comprehensive and not limited to a specific area.
“With rotation, I am confident that staff will learn many things, enabling them to be more empowered and developed,” he said.
Author: Triya Andriyani
Photographers: Firsto, Donnie
Post-editor: Lintang