Pita Asih Bekti Cahyanti, Architecture UGM students, has made Indonesia proud by participating in the International Conference on Resources and Environment Sciences (ICRES 2019) from 8-10 August 2019 in Jeju, South Korea.
The conference is a forum for researchers, practitioners, and scientists who are competent in natural resources and environment.
Pita presented her paper entitled Development of an Edutainment Shaft Garden for Integrated Waste Management in the UGM Green Campus, which is her graduating paper that designed waste management at UGM’s Centre for Agro Technology Innovation (PIAT) with the concept of integrated edutainment. According to Pita, this design can be a place for learning, research, and recreation for students, lecturers, and the public.
“What I presented in the conference was the architecture design of waste management at UGM as a centre of learning and recreation,” she said on Thursday (15/8).
Pita explained the conference was attended by world top scientists. Such events, however did not scare her because it was her third time joining an international event. Pita’s name has been indexed in Scopus on h-indeks 1, and ORCHID and Google Scholar.
Pita considered international seminars the best place to develop one’s competence and build international networks. She argued paper presentation in an international event that was later published in prestigious journals would later increase individual reputation. “I’ll keep learning and continue at a school which has a high international reputation,” she said.
In 2017 Pita presented her paper during the 8th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Applications (ICEEA 2017) at Faculty of Architecture, SAPIENZA University of Rome, Italy. This paper has been published by the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES) that is indexed by Scopus Internasional. In 2018 she presented her works in International Conference on New Energy and Environment Engineering (ICNEE 2018) in Singapore. The paper has also been published in International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering Research (IJSCER) that is indexed in international scientific institutions. In addition, Pita has been involved in the book chapter writing on World Sustainability Series, published by Springer International. Besides, she is actively engaged in academic and student activities nationally and internationally.