UGM’s Centre for Agrotechnology Innovation held a vegetable harvesting event on Saturday (24/8) in Kalitirto, Berbah, Sleman regency. This is part of events of the UGM Vegetable Expo hosted by the Centre in cooperation with PT. Ewindo from 23-24 August 2019. Participants include UGM academic community and surrounding residents.
In 30 minutes the participants had to harvest the vegetables, which include water spinach, red and green spinach, long bean, cucumber, winged beans, and shallot. They may bring home the vegetables for their own consumption.
Dr. Siwi Indarti, event coordinator, said these vegetables were just a small portion of the Centre’s Vegetable Genetic Bank. The Centre had grown them. “We currently have 1,111 varieties of vegetables, the varieties that are harvested today are just around 10 types,” she said.
Siwi said the event was a way by the Centre to socialise vegetables by promoting them directly to the society. This is important to do because the vegetable consumption of the Indonesian people in general is very low or less than 20% of what is required by the body.
Therefore, the Centre conducted the Expo. “Like our theme Be Healthy and Happy With Veggies, we target many elements of society such as children through vegetable colouring, SMEs through the Expo and Festival, academics through workshops. The harvesting event is for all,” she added.
Siwi hoped all the events might change the thinking of the Indonesian people in consuming vegetables. “Through this event we hope we can inspire the people and also the government to support this,” she said.