Celebrating its 50th anniversary, Museum Biologi UGM sitting on Jalan Sultan Agung 22 Yogyakarta has conducted an Open House and Launching of Flora Collection event. The open house will last from 16-20 September 2019 and free for the public.
In its golden year, Museum Biologi also organises a seminar on unique and rare plants on Saturday, 21 September 2019 by inviting speakers Prof. Purnomo, lecturer in plant systematics labs.
UGM Vice-Rector of Research and Community Service, drg. Ika Dewi Ana, M.Kes., Ph.D., said during the open house that entering the golden year, the museum was expected to reach the glory as a centre of education, research, and community service for biodiversity.
According to Ika, museums were developing forward along with the development of man and science. Man in their lives will need authentic proof of cultural records. Museum Biologi UGM like any other museums in the world have the duty to store, preserve, and disseminate historical and cultural tracks and memory and also Indonesia’s biodiversity.
“We who live in a rich sphere and became the world megabiodiversity have to always develop research related to conservation, preservation, and curation of science and technology which are relevant so that the memory and science tracks of our biodiversity abundance can be stored well in the science big data. As such, it can be a source of reference for all people in the world to benefit human welfare,” said Ika opening the event in the museum on Monday (16/9).
Dean of Faculty of Biology UGM, Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc., added the collection in the museum was aplenty. Due to its category as a media for university mission in education, Museum Biologi has been made an object of education, especially related to flora and fauna systematics.