One hundred eighty-seven healthcare workers at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) have received their appointment decrees as Government Employees with Work Agreements (P3K).
The Vice-Rector for Human Resources and Finance and the Secretary of the Directorate of Human Resources conducted the decree handover on Monday (Aug. 19) at the UGM Senate Hall.
The event was also held online via the Zoom platform to accommodate staff members on duty in their respective work units.
The Secretary of the Directorate of Human Resources, Endri Heriyanto, stated in his report that the handover of the P3K Appointment Decrees is part of the selection process for State Civil Apparatus (ASN) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology for the 2023 Fiscal Year.
For the first time in several years, UGM received a P3K allocation specifically for healthcare workers who will be assigned to UGM’s healthcare service units. The total number of P3K positions available was 219, with an acceptance rate of 85%, or 187 individuals.
These 187 healthcare workers will be assigned to the Academic Hospital (RSA), which has 154 workers; the Dental and Oral Hospital (RSGM), which has 27 workers; and the Gama Medical Center (GMC), which has six workers.
“As of Aug. 19, 2024, 185 appointment decrees have been issued,” Heriyanto noted.
Meanwhile, Professor Supriyadi, the Vice-Rector for Human Resources and Finance, advised all newly appointed ASN staff to work diligently and commit to their roles in their respective work units.
“Your integrity will be the foundation for us to determine the next steps after the five-year contract ends,” he said.
Professor Supriyadi explained that if the government no longer extends the P3K status, UGM will convert P3K healthcare workers into permanent employees. This is because UGM, as a Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH), is currently facing changes in government regulations related to higher education.
“In the upcoming draft regulatory changes, one clause will explicitly state that there will be no further placements of ASN, including civil servants (PNS) and P3K, in PTN-BHs for lecturers, staff, and healthcare workers. As a result, all will become PTN-BH employees,” he explained.
The government will provide grants to assist with paying these employees’ remuneration, salaries, and allowances. Professor Supriyadi added that during his seven years serving as the Vice-Rector for Human Resources and Finance, UGM has never experienced a deficit, partly due to the healthcare services managed by RSA, RSGM, GMC, and the Korpagama Clinic.
Before concluding his remarks, Professor Supriyadi reiterated the crucial role of healthcare workers as the frontline in providing health services to stakeholders, the academic community, and the general public in Yogyakarta and other regions in Indonesia.
The progress of UGM’s healthcare facilities heavily depends on healthcare workers’ role, commitment, and performance. He hopes that they will deliver their best performance, aspiring to the standards of hospitals in Penang, Malaysia, which also serve international patients.
Author: Triya Andriyani
Photographer: Donnie
Post-editor: Afif