Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM has done Social Impact Festival on Thursday (14/11). Social Impact Festival is a collaboration between Social Entrepreneur (SOPREMA), ASEAN Young Social Entrepreneur Program (AYSPP), and Creative Hub of the Faculty.
The goal of the event is to generate educated entrepreneurs in facing major challenges of higher education. First, unsuitability between graduate competence and work needs, second, higher education production has so far not met real challenges among society.
Social entrepreneurship topic has been chosen to address that problem and because of the innovative spirit of the idea. It is expected to bridge the gap between knowledge taught at higher education and society needs.
The Social Impact Festival started with two talkshows themed Social Innovation in Reducing Social Gap and Impact Pitching Session. A seminar closed the SOPREMA event, themed Social Innovation in Digital Era. In addition, there were Soprema Expo and Social Project Exhibition which displayed products from UGM or from socio-entrepreneurs of UGM.