Five students of the KKN-PPM UGM medical cluster Unit JT-261 Musuk Sub-district, Boyolali District conducted counselling about the Eradication of Mosquito Nest (PSN) in RT 03 Sruni Village. This activity is carried out as an effort to combat the occurrence of dengue fever.
The place of the outreach was chosen based on the report of dengue cases from the RT. The program itself is carried out for several days. On January 15, 2020, students together with the Coordinator of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) from the Musuk Community Health Center firstly has surveyed the area around the homes of residents affected by dengue fever.
“The results of the survey, 9 out of 10 houses that we visited have water reservoirs with mosquito larvae,” said Wahyu as the Coordinator of P2P Musuk Puskesmas who also attended the survey.
After conducting the survey, on the next day, students together with Sanitarian and Sruni Village Midwives from Musuk Community Health Center gave counselling about PSN in the RT. In the outreach, the material presented included the 3M-Plus movement, a larva monitors, and knowledge of dengue fever.
“We urge people to routinely drain and close water reservoirs, and prevent puddles around the house. For a large enough water reservoir, residents are encouraged to provide mosquito larvae fish eaters, “Wahyu explained.
Students also gave counselling on PSN to the Sruni Village PKK Association at Sruni Village Hall on January 30, 2020, and they distributed stickers containing posters of 3M-Plus material and mosquito larvae monitoring tables.
“People can put the sticker in front of the house. Each house is expected to have one family member as a larva monitor who is in charge of monitoring the presence or absence of mosquito larvae inside and outside the house, then there would be evaluating and following up on the monitoring results, “said Dirga Nugraha as the Medical Cluster Student Coordinator.
Counselling about PSN, he said, is important to remember since it has entered the rainy season so that there will most likely be puddles of water around the house which can become mosquito breeding grounds. Besides, dengue cases have also emerged, so that it is hoped that later DB cases can be overcome and the number of events does not increase.
Reporter: Gloria
Translator: Sasa