UGM Vocational College opens new student registrations for the Diploma IV or D4 Study Program in the 2020/2021 academic year. The amount total of 20 study programs is offered in the admission of new students this time.
The cluster of Science and Technology Vocational college UGM offers study programs such as Health Information Management, Electrical Engineering Technology, Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology, Internet Engineering Technology, Software Engineering Technology, Heavy Equipment Management and Maintenance Technology, and Mechanical Engineering Technology. Moreover, they also offer other study programs such as Technology Management and Maintenance of Civil Infrastructure, Veterinary Technology, Agro-Industrial Product Development, Forest Management, Geographic Information Systems and Basic Survey and Mapping Technology.
In the other hand, the cluster of Social and Humanities offers a Management Study Program and Property Valuation, Banking, Public Sector Accounting and Regional Economic Development, Archive Management and Information Recording Study Program, English Language and Travel Business.
“Diploma IV study program is not as broad as a bachelor study program, to put in other words, the area studied is narrower, but more profound,” said Wikan Sakarinto, ST, M.Sc., Ph. .D, Dean of the UGM Vocational School, in Kulon Progo, Thursday (20/2).
Wikan gave an example of the focus of Accounting Study Program in bachelor study will be narrowed to Public Sector Accounting in Diploma IV. It also applies in the Electrical Study program in bachelor study would be focused on Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology Study Program.
“Indeed there is electrical study program here. However, it is more on the distribution process of strong current electricity. The study programs here have links and matches with the industry, so the establishment all of the Diploma IV Study Programs are determined by link and match with industry,” he said.
Wikan explained further about this link and match matter with the example of the Electrical Engineering Technology Study Program in which has a connection and match with PT. PLN Persero.
“How can we match those? First, the curriculum in the campus is combined with certification training materials at PLN or incorporates the theory of training and certification in PLN. Hence, it is like the materials combination from both sides,” he explained.
Another link and match are the teaching lecturers from two institutions, which are UGM Vocational College and practitioners from PLN. Students are also given the opportunity of an internship at PLN one to two semesters and in practice not only in campus laboratories but at PLN’s electrical installations.
“PLN selects these programs, and those who qualify will get official bond scholarships from semester one to graduate. If they pass and match, they will immediately become the PLN candidate. Meanwhile, several cases or problems at PLN will become the topic of applied research at UGM Vocational College, and that is what we conceptualize as a marriage between campus and industry, making joint study programs, joint curriculum and teaching,” he said.
Even so, Wikan admitted that not all Study Programs at UGM Vocational College are as ideal as the link match with PT. PLN. However, at least 20 Study Programs offered have collaborated with at least five companies and these companies are ready to accommodate graduates of the UGM Applied Vocational College.
“All of them are linked and matched, yet there is still selection process, there is a level, the most ideal is like PLN since it has reached the level of official ties while others have not accomplished yet. But for almost all scholarships, there are only two official ties; they are the Electrical Engineering Technology with PT. PLN and Banking Study Program with Mandiri University,” he explained.
Wikan added that for the registration of new students three entranceways were opened, such as the Search for Superior Seeds (PBU), UGM Writing Test (UTUL) and UGM’s Writing Test (UTUL Value). For PBU online registration starts from 4 February to 18 March 2020 and will be announced on 4 April 2020.
The PBU program consists of the Search for the Poor Able Seedlings (PBUTM), the Partnership for Superior Seedlings (PBUK), the Aetas High School Superior Seedlings, the Aliyah and Vocational Madrasahs (PBUSMAK) and the Achievement Superior Seedlings (PBUB).
“We are currently opening the Search for Superior Seeds (PBU) entranceway, which has a capacity of 60 per cent of capacity this year and our capacity for this year is between 1300 – 1400. Sixty per cent is for PBU selection without written tests,” he said.
Meanwhile, for the UGM Writing Test (UTUL) line online registration is conducted on 2-17 June 2020, the Writing Examination on July 5, 2020, and Announcement on July 15, 2020. While the track with UGM’s Writing Test (UTUL Value), online registration 2-16 July 2020 and the announcement 21 July 2020.
“So, the selection is without test, written test,, and the written score that lately will be used as written test score. The third selection only uses the written test results, registers and the UTUL results contested without more exam,” said Wikan.
Author: Agung Nugroho
Photo courtesy: Firsto
Translator: Natasa Adelayanti