Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) takes prevention steps regarding Coronavirus by publishing Circular Letter No. 1285/UN1.P/SET-SR/TR/2020 about Early Preventive Steps Regarding COVID-19 Disease. The Circular Letter contains an appeal by Chancellor of UGM, Prof. Ir.Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., ASEAN., Eng., for all UGM academicians for postponing their trip abroad, mainly to the countries suspected COVID-19.
“The first and foremost consideration by publishing this Circular Letter is to improve their vigilance and concern to their health, especially COVID-19,” explained the Vice of UGM Chancellor, Drs. Gugup Kismono, M.B.A., Ph.D., on Monday (2/3) at UGM.
Gugup explained UGM attempts to anticipate the wide spreading of COVID-19. Besides publishing abroad postponed, he also postpones a few scheduled events for upcoming months, which involve guests from abroad, either foreign students or lecturers, until the situation is under control and safe in terms of health.
“We are currently considering to cancel a few events because the big risks are on us who are welcoming them from any country instead of themselves. It is for our importance of health. Thus, we delay events that have a high risk to health,” Gugup explained.
At present, UGM continues to communicate with guests who will come to UGM and conduct joint assessments. The results of the evaluation will be used as material to consider whether the activities will be carried out or deferred in advance, for the suspension of the implementation of activities carried out following developments and policies from the government.
“For example, in June, there will be many summer courses that will be attended by students from ASEAN, there will also be from Japan, Australia, and China. We consider postponing this until the situation is safe in terms of health,” he said.
Gugup said that currently, UGM have not published a ban on visiting UGM to foreign students or lecturers. Even so, he will soon contact them to postpone a trip to UGM until the situation is under controll and safe.
UGM Circular Letter on Early Preventive Steps Regarding COVID-19 contains five main points. One of them is by limiting interaction with UGM community and family/household members for them who have recently abroad to some countries especially China, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Australia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, India, United States, Canada, Italy, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Iran, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, and the Netherlands. The suggested period to limit interactions is 14 days after returning to Indonesia. If within 14 days, there is a fever, cough, runny nose, shortness, and others, the academicians are requested to immediately check into the pulmonary poly hospital Dr. Sardjito and send the results of the check-up via email to kelembagaan@ugm.ac.id.
The Circular Letter also encourages UGM academicians to carry out healthy living behaviors by washing their hands more often with soap, eating healthy food to increase endurance further, and minimize activities in the crowd that are less necessary. Besides, the academics need to protect themselves from the environment by wearing masks and reducing interaction with other UGM community or family members or households for those who experience influenza symptoms.
UGM Academician subsequently appealed by the UGM community members to be active in conducting influenza awareness efforts, including SARS and COVID-19, in their respective work units by distributing information or health literacy without causing panic. Work units are encouraged to provide handwashing facilities using alcohol-based soap or hand rubs in every room/strategic place. Make provisions for cleaning services to more often clean areas with disinfectants (0.1% chlorine solution according to WHO standards). The cleaning services must clean some areas that are often contacted by hands such as tables (especially in cramped spaces), door handles, window handles, elevator knobs, banisters/rails, etc.
“We are currently providing hand sanitizers in work units, meeting rooms, and staff. Besides, we are also providing masks so that if needed, anyone can use these facilities,” explained Gugup.
Author: Ika
Translator: Natasa A