A total of 19 innovation results from the campus researcher team obtains a proprietary from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Director-General of Intellectual Property Ministry of Law and the Human Rights Republic of Indonesia directly handed over the proprietary certificate on Tuesday (10/3) in Grha Sabha Pramana. Those innovation results are the findings of the development of innovations in cardiac stents, tools for making bone implants, and the use of glucomannan from porang tubers.
Vice-Chancellor for Education, Teaching and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Djagal Wiseso Marseno, M.Agr., congratulate the researcher team obtained the proprietaries from the developed innovation results.
“Congratulations to the proprietary recipient, UGM is currently obtaining a total of 603 intellectual properties,” Djagal said.
Djagal said UGM as a research university had given great concern to the intellectual property development and protection of the innovation result. “We encourage lecturer and student to register the protection of innovation result,” he said.
However, if the recipient does not commercialize the findings that obtained a proprietary to the industry, it will be in vain. Thus, all the innovation results will be immediately published and collaborated. “Like an asset, they need to proceed and publish the proprietary proceeds as capital to hold the industry together,” he said.
Director-General of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Dr. Freddy Harris, said that many researchers did not register proprietaries on their findings. Some of them consider that the proprietary processing process to be very long. “It didn’t take long, but people always thought it was an academic matter and think about the honorarium. Because only a little of only 80 percent of the proprietaries that we manage come from foreign and only 20 percent from Indonesia,” he said.
According to him, Kemenkumham does not want the budget provided only to take care of proprietaries from foreigners. Instead, he wants the budget allocated for licenses of the nation’s children. Therefore, he hopes that innovators from universities will register proprietaries to get intellectual property protection.
According to him, the lack of awakening spirit of innovation and the absence of the role of universities as a center for the development of science and research affects reasons why proprietaries in Indonesia have a small number.
Besides, University should directly commercialize each proprietary obtained because intellectual property without economic value will only be a social right. “Inventor is not supposed to do a trading activity because he’s already confused with his findings,” he said.
In addition to the handover of proprietary certificates to UGM researchers, the Director-General of Intellectual Property also signed a memorandum of understanding with ten universities in DIY and the DIY Government. Cooperation in the field of protection and utilization of intellectual property with these ten tertiary institutions includes UGM, UNY, Atmajaya University, UPN Veterans, UMY, Proklamasi University, Alma Ata University, Janabadra University, Amikom University, and the National Institute of Technology.
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Photo: Firsto
Translator: Natasa A