The Digital Literacy Activists Network (Japelidi) extracts and produces various accurate information related to Covid-19 in the form of educational videos and posters for the public. The community, whose members are mostly lecturers from 78 tertiary institutions in 30 cities in Indonesia, launched a campaign entitled ‘Fight Covid-19 Hoax’ to offset the flood of hoax in the community.
“Not only Indonesian to Mandarin, but we also created a variety of digital content ‘Take Care of Yourself and Family’ in 42 local languages. This initiation helps us to be closer to the daily lives of our diverse society. The production of local language content will still increase according to the needs of the community,” said Dr. Novi Kurnia, Coordinator of Japelidi on Thursday (3/26).
To disseminate local language content, Japelidi is collaborating with the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesia, the National Movement for Digital Literacy, Siberkreasi, the Indonesian Community Radio Network (JRKI), and “Different is Ordinary” Communities.
Novi said the distribution of content announced through Instagram accounts (https://www.instagram.com/japelidi/?hl=en) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/japelidi?lang=en) Japelidi. Besides, the dissemination also undertook throughout social media accounts and WhatsApp groups of Japelidi members. There are a total of 163 people by distributing digital posters such as “Protect yourself and protect the family,” “Personal Data Protection,” and “Reliable Information Sources,” and accompanying video graphics tips children learn at home.
“Citizens’ responses were very positive. For example, many people or communities ask us to send files for their printing and then share them with elderly residents around them. Some even made it into a banner. Indeed, many people do not access social networks so that they have limited access to the information, “said the Head of Faculty of Social Sciences Communication Program UGM
According to Novi, Japelidi also conducted an offline campaign by distributing soap and hand sanitizers for residents who still had to work outside the home, such as motorcycle taxi drivers and market traders. Regarding funds for this, she revealed that Japelidi members raised donations. Offline activities are carried out by the Japelidi team and residents by distributing leaflets, posters and banners in strategic places in many areas, such as Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Bali, Salatiga, Semarang, Lamongan, Malang, Bandung, Ponorogo, Depok, Surabaya, Sukabumi, Blora, Grobogan, Bogor, Banjarmasin, Kulonprogo, Gresik, Tegal, Wonogiri, Cilacap, Magelang, NTT, Kutai, NTB, Timika, Kab. Semarang, East Lombok, Lampung, and Samarinda. The scope of this area continues to grow with increasing community support.
“We did not expect the support from citizens would be this big. Like political campaigns, health campaigns must also be carried out by land in many places. In my opinion, there is still a lot of space that we have not reached yet, even though the pandemic issue is very urgent,” said Lestari Nurhajati, an LSPR lecturer who became Coordinator of the Japelidi regarding the Fight Covid-19 Hoax Campaign.
Author: Hakam
Translator: Natasa A