The presence of information about Corona through https://sebaran-covid19.jogjaprov.go.id/ much helped people in DIY. People can promptly access the information about the spread of Covid-19 in DIY, such as the number of Monitoring Persons (ODP) and Patients Under Monitoring (PDP).
Along with the presence of the application, there is Daniel Oscar Baskoro, UGM Computer Science graduate in 2015. The presence of the application platform of https://sebaran-covid19.jogjaprov.go.id/ is a development of research conducted by Oscar and his team in 2013. When he was still a student, he developed a mobile application for early warning of the threat of infectious diseases using a map-based service.
“It was Health Circle, which is a platform for spreading infectious diseases through the integration of news information systems obtained from online media and transformed through maps in real-time,” Oscar said on Saturday (28/3).
This graduate alumnus from Columbia University, New York, recognizes the platform https://sebaran-covid19.jogjaprov.go.id/ is the development of research that he and his team did when they were students at UGM. According to Oscar, the study was re-developed by the current conditions related to COVID-19 collaborating with Diskominfo DIY and digital volunteer teams. “There are alumni and students as well, such as from UGM, Amikom, and UKDW,” he said.
The platform that he developed with the digital volunteer team is also in the national development scaffold. Oscar also joined the digital team for the Covid Task Force at the national level. So far, Oscar has also been involved several times in handling disasters in the country.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Public Service Section of Diskominfo DIY Application, Sayuri Egaravanda, said that the support of the development of the platform quite helped. The development of the platform https://sebaran-covid19.jogjaprov.go.id/ said Sayuri, in principle, made the community as a subject and not a patient object.
“The choice of technology in each region can be different. But we make people through this platform as subjects, not objects,” he said
The digital volunteer team, together with Diskominfo DIY, continue to improve information services through the platform. Other local governments are also quite open to being able to develop similar applications.
Currently, Oscar is a researcher on ICT for Development (Digital Technology for Development) and Industry 4.0 topics. The man born in Yogyakarta in 1992 has created various Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies related to Industry 4.0. He won multiple awards, such as Innovation Global Winner in London from the World Bank, Innovation Champion Winners from the United Nations and winner of Data Science Hackathon, by Facebook in New York.
Author: Satria
Translator: Natasa A