An outbreak of the Coronavirus or COVID-19 has an impact on migrants who are mostly working in Jakarta. Not a few are choosing to go home to their hometown. The spread of the Coronavirus proclaimed this condition to some regions in the country.
UGM Migration and Population Expert, Dr. Sukamdi, M.Sc., contained several related matters, which as anticipatory steps related to the large number of migrants returning home due to the COVID-19 outbreak. One of the main things is monitoring travelers from the central regions of the Coronavirus endemic.
“Returning from the city center needs to be monitored,” he said on Tuesday (31/3).
Besides, monitoring is required to do for people who go to other areas. For example, people from Yogyakarta travel to Solo or other places.
He said it would be easy for monitoring and screening people’s come-and-go access through information systems.
“We provide a simple information system for the movement of incoming visitors. It can be started from the RT and compiled into the hamlet,” explained the lecturer at the Faculty of Geography UGM.
In the information system, there is data at any time, how long and equipped with identity for how long, gender, also work. In this system, two components must be available that can be accessed publicly, such as the number of incoming and outgoing and limited access to obtain policies such as anyone who has a variation of COVID-19.
“We can be replicated this system to the village, sub-district, to district levels,” he said.
Sukamdi said that currently in his residence in Dusun Sedan, Sariharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, he was also building an information system related to the movement of people coming and going. In developing this system, he said, the young generation needs to be addressed to overcome the technological stuttering constraints of the previous generation.
In addition to building information systems, Sukamdi decided to make a social safety net for the community, especially the lower society. It carried out by mobilizing the surrounding community.
“It is important to build a social safety net based on community participation to overcome the damages of the COVID-19 epidemic,” he concluded.
Author: Ika
Translator: Natasa A