Professor of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, Prof. Dr. Erwan Agus Purwanto, said the government needs to be well-coordinated in handling the COVID-19 outbreak dynamically. According to him, in the current emergency, coordination with rigid regulations can no longer be applied.
“In an emergency, we can no longer carry out the coordination with logic on rigid rules. The key is dynamic communication and adjustment at all levels,” explained to this public policy expert when delivering UGM’s moral appeal in fighting COVID-19 online on Monday afternoon (13/4)
They can embody that dynamic key if all the elements have the same spirit of cooperation. For example, governors, regents, or mayors can submit proposals and initiatives to the minister and president regarding the control of this Coronavirus outbreak.
The Dean of the UGM Faculty of Social and Political Sciences revealed that coordination in new ways is needed when faced with an abnormal situation. In this current crisis condition, it is essential to have flexible and dynamic coordination.
“It takes dynamic coordination, not based on authority and position. However, the aim is to protect the community out of the COVID-19 crisis,” Erwan explained.
The Dean of FKKMK UGM, Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med., Ed., SPOG (K)., Ph.D. also conveyed a similar statement. She mentioned there should be extraordinary coordination in handling COVID-19.
“It takes unusual coordination, but extraordinary coordination that is flexible and staffed by all parties,” she explained.
For example, when there is a surge in both ODP and PDP requiring quarantine is not only addressed by the health sector. However, it involves coordination with various parties as is done in Yogyakarta in collaboration with training centers, Hajj dormitories, and halls located in regencies or cities in Yogyakarta.
Likewise, when talking about hospitals. Ova explained that hospitals are in the health sector but owned by different sectors. For example, hospitals owned by the regional government, private, and central government, each of which has a separate command line.
“They must work together, decide together for the benefit of the community. For example, in Jogja, there are 80 hospitals considered as the top references, so we can embody great services only if there are supports from both human resources and equipment from other places support,” she explained.
Author: Ika
Photo: Shutterstock
Translator: Natasa A