There is a lot of information about Covid-19 in various mass and social media that often makes people confused because it is often conflicting. In fact, amid the current global pandemic, there are still many residents who easily trust to confusing news because they do not yet have unreliable sources of information. To facilitate the delivery of information about Covid-19 properly, Universitas Gadjah Mada compiled a digital pocketbook to prevent Covid-19. “We made this digital pocketbook so that every family has sufficient information and knowledge to prevent Covid-19 so that they will not panic and confuse to this current situation,” said Dr. Riris Andono Ahmad, a member of the digital pocketbook drafting team on Friday (16/4).
He recalled that the pocketbook compiled by the Center for Tropical Medicine (PKT) in response to the Covid-19 outbreak. The 29-page digital book made in less than a week compiled from various compilations of PKT educational materials to prevent the Covid-19 outbreak. “We are also currently translating the book into various regional languages in Indonesia. To do the translation, we are assisted by volunteers who are each of them speaks and understands their local language,” he said.
This pocketbook is made in digital form to facilitate the distribution of the book to the public. Therefore, everyone is allowed to send via a chain message network. “We design in the form of digital books. However, we invite all parties who will use the book or print it,” Riris said.
According to him, the distribution of these pocketbooks currently relies on social media, especially the Whatsapp group network. “We consider this distribution channel effective enough to spread the book. It is proven that there are many requests and offers to translate into various local languages,” he said.
The Covid-19 digital pocketbook has received a positive response from the public. According to Riris, many of the requests for these pocketbooks translated into local languages. “We plan to translate a minimum of 10 regional languages with the most number of speakers in Indonesia,” he said.
However, it will continue to make updates to the pocketbook considering the method of controlling this virus continues to experience changes because this virus has a genetic mutation. “This virus is a new disease; scientists, expert doctors do not understand much about controlling this disease. There are many new things discovered every day. Some of these new findings can confuse them if they are not communicated properly and correctly to the public. For this reason, we have indeed designed this book to be regularly revised and updated,” he said.
In connection with the occurrence of residents who refuse the funeral process of a corpse who died because of Covid-19 or took action to close the road access by a social gathering, it may actually increase the risk of transmission. According to him, this happened because many people did not have adequate information. “We hope that this pocketbook can provide adequate and comprehensive information on Sola Covid,” he said.
As is known, this 29-page digital preventive covid pocketbook contains some important things. They are an introduction to the problem of the Covid-19 virus, how to spread it; signs and symptoms; how to prevent it; who is the most vulnerable; recognize OTG, ODP, and PDP; how to wash hands; social distancing; quarantine and self-isolation; covid-19’s funeral and disinfection procedures.
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Translator: Natasa A