Disinformation or hoax often provokes public. News for consuming seven kinds of sayur lodeh was viral on social media in recent times. There is a circulating hoax mentioned that Sri Sultan HB X asked the citizens of Yogyakarta to make and eat sayur lodeh to ward off disease outbreaks or pagebluk, including Corona.
UGM Nutritionist, Aviria Ermamilia, M.Gizi., RD., did not confirm that disinformation. Consuming sayur lodeh does not precisely prevent Coronavirus infection. Yet, indeed Covid-19 is very closely related to body immunity.
“So, it cannot specifically ward off Corona because it has to do with immunity, but food does contribute to the immune system,” explained the lecturer at the Department of Health Nutrition FKKMK UGM on Friday (24/4).
According to her, there is a positive side that arises from the circulation of the hoax. People who have been consuming fewer vegetables have finally tried to increase their vegetable intake.
She said that sayur lodeh is good for health because these vegetables contain substances that are beneficial to the body.
“Stuffing in sayur lodeh consists of lots of vegetables, so there are quite a lot of benefits and nutritional content,” she explained.
The composition of the filling in vegetables is quite diverse. As in the seven components in sayur lodeh, there are ingredients such as kluwih, eggplants, pumpkin, long beans, daun melinjo, kulit melinjo, and tempe. All ingredients are high in nutritional value because they contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
For instance, eggplants and daun melinjo are rich in antioxidants, which are useful for counteracting free radicals. Long beans are a source of protein that contains folic acid, and pumpkin contains complex fiber and fiber.
Then, the processing is added coconut milk, which has reasonable fat reserves for the body. Even so, in the process of cooking that is agreed to not too long, Repairing the fat in coconut milk does not turn into saturated fats that are harmful to health. Do not consume coconut milk too much to prevent the increase of cholesterol levels in the body.
Responding to the importance of daily vegetable consumption, it is important because vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, and also needed for processing, digestion, and the protective effect of the body.
“If the intake of vegetables can not cause bowel movements, anemia, and various other diseases,” she said.
Therefore, she appealed people to consume food based on the isi piringku composition. It consists of 2/3 of the bucket source from ½ plate. While side dishes for 1/3 of ½ plate. For vegetables as much as 2/3 of ½ plate and 1/3 of the fruit of ½ plate.
“Prompts to eat vegetables and fruit in a day by balanced nutrition around 400-600 grams for adults and 300-400 grams for toddlers,” she said.
Author: Ika
Photo: Shutterstock
Translator: Natasa A