Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) proceeds to take various efforts to support the government in tackling the Covid-19 outbreak.
Several steps have been taken by UGM not only to help prevent and handle the spread of viruses but also to overcome the effects arising from this new type of coronavirus. Starting from research related to the content of substances that can be Covid-19 antivirus, PPE innovation, donating various medical and health equipment, counseling to the community to programs to strengthen the community, and MSMEs affected.
UGM Community Service Director, Prof. Irfan D. Prijambada, said that since the beginning of the emergence of Covid-19 in the country, UGM tried to play an active role and contribute to preventing the spread of the virus. The researchers innovated developing medical equipment such as a swab booth, disinfectant booth, ventilator, and Covid-19 rapid detection devices.
Besides, it also makes disinfectants, hand sanitizers, and non-medical masks that are distributed free of charge to the public, institutions, health facilities, and traditional markets. Not only that, but Irfan also distributed face shields, PPE, and disposable gloves to Covid-19 referral hospitals in various regions of Indonesia.
“We make APD levels 1 and 2 for the health centers and referral hospitals Covid-19,” he said, in the SDGs Seminar Series # 52 “The Role of Higher Education in the Covid-19 Pandemic” online Wednesday (29/4).
In various programs run by UGM, it involves students. The students were deployed to provide counseling directly to the villages. They conducted socialization related to efforts to prevent Covid-19 and confront travelers from the red zone.
To help the community, especially MSMEs who were affected by Covid-19, UGM managed to deal with this in several ways. One of them is cooperating with MSMEs to produce masks. Besides, UGM also embraced traders in traditional markets.
“We encourage people to shop for vegetables online through PIAT Shop, which we take from farmers and traditional market traders,” he explained.
While the Commander, Task Force Covid-19 UGM, Dr. dr. Rustamadji, M. Kes., On that occasion explained Covid-19, starting from what was Covid-19 mode of transmission to its prevention.
Responding to one of the seminar participants’ questions related to seawater information that the public believed could prevent Covid-19, Rustamadji explained. He said that until now, there had been no medical studies that prove seawater bathing can prevent Covid-19.
“If you use the salinity theory, there is a possibility that this virus could die, but this has not been proven,” explained the UGM FKKMK lecturer.
While in the handling of Covid-19, Rustamadji said that real action and participation of all elements of the nation became an important key. It is not only the government and medical personnel who are striving at the forefront of overcoming this virus. The community is expected to be able to help through washing hands with soap, wearing masks, keeping a distance, and no crowding.
“We can absolutely overcome Covid-19 together,” he said.
Author: Ika
Photo: Firsto
Translator: Natasa A