UGM Social Entrepreneurship, along with Narasi, one of the digital-based media, held a Remote Direct Sharing (SLJJ) event: Talks, Music, and Charity, in celebration of National Education Day. The event, which held on Saturday (2/5), was in the form of sociopreneur talks with the theme of Think Beyond Pandemic: Social, Business, Entrepreneurship.
“Physical distancing does not prevent us all from doing collective work, caring for others, and being productive for joint progress,” said the Minister of State Secretary, who is also the Chairperson of the UGM Board of Trustees, Pratikno.
Pratikno was one of the speakers at this event, besides a series of performers from various fields, such as Najwa Shihab, Special Staff of President Ayu Kartika Dewi, and Putri Tanjung, creative industry players Raditya Dika and Gerald Bastian, and Kaesang Pangarep.
The event itself conceived as an effort to build optimism during a pandemic by discussing various themes related to social entrepreneurship during the epidemic. The series of talks closed with a dialogue between Najwa Shihab and Pratikno with the theme ‘Building Optimism in the Pandemic Period’ and opening it together.
Besides the talk show, SLJJ also enlivened with musical performances, fundraising for handling Covid-19, and joint events.
“This SLJJ is not only special in terms of its production process, but also as a very up-to-date content, which is productive Talks, joyous music, and Charity who cares for others,” he added.
Besides getting new knowledge from the speakers, participants also had the opportunity to participate in donations. An hour before the event was over, donations from the public had already touched nearly half a billion.
All donations collected will be used to purchase PPE and other co-management needs. The PPE will be distributed to hospitals, puskesmas, and Covid-19 treatment service centers.
Najwa Shihab, a Senior Journalist and Co-Founder of Narasi, said that in the era of a pandemic such nowadays, it is vital for everyone to remain optimistic and reach out to each other to help others.
Beyond that, she also stated that a moment of National Education Day was an opportunity for the Indonesian to reflect the significance of the importance of education in the country.
“Days like today are important for all of us to remain optimistic in facing a pandemic situation while continuing to help others in need. We must not give up, but instead, we have to hone empathy with others increasingly,” she said.
Author: Gloria
Translator: Natasa A