Regarding social distancing recommendations during the Covid-19 pandemic in a relatively long period, it raises mental health issues such as anxiety and stress in most people. Women also become vulnerable groups affected by mental health.
Head of the FKKMK UGM Psychiatry Specialist Education Study Program, dr. Ronny Tri Wirasto, Sp.KJ., explained that women are better able to control stress than men. Women’s ability to manage stress is related to high estrogen levels in the body that function to block the negative effects of stress in the brain.
“Women should be more resistant to stress than men because men have volatile hormones so that their emotions go up and down. However, attracting women who should be emotionally stable becomes more emotional, “explained the psychiatrist at Dr. Sardjito when contacted on Friday (8/5)
Ronny explained why women become more emotionally vulnerable due to several factors. One of them related to physical health. In general, women do not pay much attention to their body condition. For example, if we are being ignorant of the pain and eventually piled up, hence it will make it more vulnerable.
Besides, women tend to be more thinkers than men. Women often think about something excessively that makes them vulnerable to stress.
“Women think intensely in many ways, and this can trigger stress itself,” he said.
Author: Ika
Translator: Natasa A