Many claims mentioned about ways to deal with Covid-19 are widespread and circulate on social media, one of which is drinking hot water and taking a hot shower. Those are claimed as effective methods in killing a new type of Coronavirus.
Internal Medicine Expert (Intern Pulmonologist) FKKMK UGM, dr. Sumardi, Sp.PD, KP., FINASIM., firmly denied claims of drinking hot water, and taking a hot shower could kill Covid-19.
“The claim is not true, drinking or taking a hot shower cannot kill Covid-19,” he said on Thursday (5/14).
Previous research on the virus that causes SARS said that temperatures over 58 degrees Celsius could kill the virus. However, Sumardi noted that the temperature was too high for drinking and bathing water.
He explained that hot water, whether consumed or for bathing, would not be able to reach or kill the virus because the Covid-19 virus is ensconced in the body’s cells. Meanwhile, the body will automatically regulate its temperature when getting a virus attack.
“If a virus enters the body, the body temperature will rise by itself to neutralize the virus. So, there is no need to drink or take a hot shower because it will disrupt the body system,” Sumardi explained.
Besides, too often consuming hot water also harm a person’s health. One of them can make your stomach weaken while frequent hot baths will also damage the skin and cause your skin dry.
According to him, the best way to eradicate viruses that might stick to the skin is to wash it using soap or use a hand sanitizer. Also, to avoid transmission, people are advised to adhere to health protocols such as undergoing physical distancing, avoiding crowds, wearing masks, and living a clean and healthy lifestyle.
Author: Ika
Photo: Shutterstock
Translator: Natasa A